How Does JAP Q-10 Works:
Known as vitamin Q10, ubiquinone, or ubidecarenone, CoQ10 is an antioxidant that plays an important role in maintaining the body functions.
It is an enzyme that is found in the mitochondria of your cells and helps convert the food you consume into absorbable nutrients. This nutrient is further utilized or energy production in the body cells. This potent antioxidant is present in all the cells of the body.
However, it is found in high concentration in the organs, namely your heart, liver & kidney that require more amount of energy for proper functioning. Being a potent antioxidant, CoQ10 protects body cells and mitochondria from the damaging effects of free radicals. With age the coenzyme production in the body wanes and although the body is able to get CoQ10 from the raw materials in food, the quantity is sometimes not enough for optimal body functioning and hence supplements are required.
Benefits of JAP Q-10 :
- Guarding the brain after cardiac arrest
- Preventing the onset of migraine
- Slowing early macular degeneration
- Slowing neurodegenerative disease progression
- Helping treat high blood pressure and heart disease
- Enhancing immune system function
- Providing an energy boost for people dealing with fatigue
- Reducing high cholesterol levels in the blood
- Stabilizing blood sugar levels of people with diabetes
- Assisting in the treatment of cancer or the protection of organs from toxic chemotherapy drugs treating gum disease
- Increasing sperm count and motility
- WHY JAP-Q 10 is Better
- Jap Q-10 is Japanese origin water soluble Q-10, Hence low dosage & high efficacy, due to better absorption compared to the oil soluble
- Q-10 available. Also water soluble Q-10 can be taken anytime as compared to oil soluble which needs to be taken with lipids.
Two Tablets per day ( 1 after breakfast & 2nd after dinner )
For more information please refer the attached files for JAP Q-10.
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